Tag: Server Issue

  • Server Down Resolved

    Server Down Resolved

    We experienced a catastrophic issue with the datacenter where our server is located and our service was down for almost 3 days before we could get back online. During this outage, we believe any new users or installs might have been shown 404 or 503 errors or if someone tried to Register the Todo and Journaling Chrome plugin (via the plugin options page). Well, it was bad enough and we did not have an ETA from the provider until things were back UP and running today.

    Fortunately, we are back and kicking, and hopefully will not face such a long downtime yet again. Networks and Servers are quite complex things especially the cloud and hosting environments, and expensive too. While out plugin remains free for everyone to use, we are unable to provide fault-free and hitless redundancy at that cost, i.e. $0 to all of our users. And, if you could do us a quick favor and help spread word about our plugin to your friends via email or social profiles? (You can find the link at the end)

    Hopefully, we keep growing and be able to support and sustain our tiny operation and find ways to add to our development budget. If you like our work, plugin or have ideas, we would love to hear!

    Keep safe & keep rocking!

    Todo and Journal