



We always use Todo-lists to Enumerate, Remember and Complete several tasks, that we have at our hand, in the limited time available to us. The time available to any of us is the same 24 hours per day, as a natural equalizer for all, no matter our financial status OR social standing. Now, how do we treat all those hours and days is what adds up over time and we get successful or we get consumed basis of how we partition and categorize tasks to fully-utilize our time.

It is simple but crucial to not just list the tasks, but assign and categorize tasks into different buckets, like Official, Personal, Family etc. Done another way, it is important to think of tasks in each of these buckets categorically in order to find a balance among various facets of life. Ignore or concentrate heavily on any one and the others tend to slip away so much so that there can be ulterior consequences.

Our Todo browser plugin makes sure you do not get so narrowly focused that it starts to affect other parts of your life. At a single glance you can see which categories need some work to be completed, and also the categories that require you to put in some tasks to make it alive.


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